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Bir miktar para karşılığında kumar masasına oturmayı kabul amatör porno ederek iyi olmadıkları bir iskambil oyununda ardı arkasına yenilerek çırılçıplak masada anal porno kalan sürtükler gözü dönmüş kumarbaz babaları değiş tokuş rus porno ederek sert yaraklara muamele çekmeye başlarlar tüm gün boyu mature porno seksi lezbiyenleri dikizleyerek onları en savunmasız anlarında fotoğraflayan anal porno azılı erkek lavaboya geçerek fotoğraflara bakıp koca yarağını keyifle okşamaya başlar asyalı porno üvey oğlunun kız arkadaşının sinirlenerek evi terk etmesinin üzerine bir gariplik olduğunu düşünerek onunla amatör porno konuşmak için yanına sokulan üvey anne deneyimsiz genç adamın fazlasıyla xvideos gergin olduğunu görür ve yardım eli uzatır ona iyice rahatlayarak amatör porno arkasına yaslanmasını söyledikten sonra sıkı yarağı narin elleri brazzers ile keyifle kavrayarak ustaca marifetlerini gösteren olgun hatun sert erkeği rokettube bu zevke alıştırıp ertesi gün tekrardan kız arkadaşını çağırmasını ister

About us

Foundation “Source of Hope” is a pro-Bosnian, non-political, humanitarian, independent, non-government, non-profit and charity institution which operates in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina according to the constitution, law and universal human and ethical principles with the aim of improving educational, cultural, spiritual and traditional values of pupils, students and other citizens, and of promoting good in all segments of society.



The foundation tries, through its work and awarding scholarships to students, to adequately support them in achieving the best educational and moral results, so that they will represent, through their future work and social action, Bosnia and Herzegovina in all important social aspects, and with their knowledge and moral characteristics be a positive example in the society.



Our vision is to become a recognizable foundation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and beyond as an institution which supports students in achieving the best educational, moral and sports results, and their wider social engagement. The foundation will hardly work on development of consciousness, conscience and responsibility of students and other citizens. In addition, we will try through affirmation of knowledge, patriotism and local tradition to support overall development and persistence of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


It is important to know:

The Foundation acts according to positive regulations, universal principles and ethics. The foundation will, according to legal regulations and its goals and needs, establish its branch offices in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The foundation’s work is based on principles of humanity, tolerance, being non-politic and anti-discrimination.

Since we feel a need to improve education and culture which are very important segments of life, The Foundation ‘Source of Hope’ is going to do everything In order to achieve its goals, which include the following:

  • Devotion to secure conditions for effective and quality education of students;
  • Devotion to establish positive atmosphere and climate for better, easier and more effective education;
  • Improvement of common spiritual, cultural and traditional values;

  • Improvement of communication among people from different social and cultural profiles, and establishing relationships among them;

  • Promotion and development of culture of giving, strengthening the conscience of social responsibility, and development of social entrepreneurship by building social capital in the community and development of own and self-governed economic possibilities;

  • Supporting improvement of education for young people;

  • Promotion and development of science and education;

  • Protection, promotion and improvement of people’s psycho-physical health;

  • Promotion and protection of family values;

  • Devotion to decrease the poverty.


Foundation activates include:

  • Awarding scholarships to students

  • Organizing meetings, seminars, courses, lectures, discussions, radio and TV programs, round tables, debate groups, public meetings, internet forums, video conferences and other public manifestations.

  • Cooperation with religious institutions and communities in order to promote better education;

  • Organization of different humanitarian actions and activities in order to gather resources from individuals and institution in the country and abroad in order to accomplish the foundation’s goals;

  • Publication of audios and videos, periodicals, brochures, catalogues and other educational material in order to realize the foundation’s goals;

  • Establishing centres, student houses and dormitories, kindergartens and similar within the limits of legal regulations, cultural and educational characters;

  • Establishing advisory centres, libraries, reading rooms, clubs, record libraries, video libraries, galleries, exhibitions, etc.

  • Establishing cooperation with domestic and foreign foundations and associations with the same or similar goals in order to help each other through free exchange of ideas, people and material goods;

  • Establishing cooperation, within the limits of legal regulations, with institutions, economic subjects and their associations in order to achieve the foundation’s goals;

  • Finding social vulnerable individuals and families, and supporting them in every possible way.

EN – Foundation Source of Hope – presentation – slides, author: “Fondacija Izvor Nade”